General Inquiries
If you want to get in contact with the Canadian Legacy Project, either send us an email at or use the contact form or address below. Please appreciate that the Canadian Legacy Project is a volunteer managed charity and as such we are not always available. But please leave a message and we will get back to you within 48 hours.

We want to hear from you
The Canadian Legacy Projects’ mandate is to develop and present programming for Veterans in need, but we are unable to provide direct financial assistance to individual Veterans. If you are a Veteran in distress, immediate financial support can be accessed through your local Legion Command offices and through the Veterans Emergency Housing Fund.
Honor Their Sacrifice, Support the Living
How to donate?
There are a variety of ways to donate to the Canadian Legacy Project. Use the buttons below to choose which way you would like to support our organization!
If you are having issues using our automated system you can donate through Canada Helps and still receive an automatic tax receipt: